Monday, February 27, 2012


Over the next 40 days I will be taking a challenge that I didn't think would ever happen but it was set-up by my wife so what the hell I figured I could do it and I do love a bit of a challenge. This is going to be eye opening and in my honest opinion quite difficult to come up with meat free recipes and try to not run to the local Greggs and get a pastry to try and subdue my cravings for flesh. So what do I hope to learn over the next five and a half weeks, I hope to work on my flavour combinations and just try new things seeing that I just realized that I actually don't like very many vegetables and might just starve myself over the next 40 days but hey I'm chubby I could just about lose a stone and no one would really notice. Just because I'm giving up meat doesn't mean that I'm going to be giving up beer no matter how many little fish they clear the beer with .


  1. Good luck with the experiment! Maybe you'll discover lots of new things to eat, or that you do like certain veg if they're prepared in certain ways ... what kinds of thing do you like in the vegetarian realm? Couscous, rice, pasta? Tomato sauces? Casseroles/stews? Roast veg (peppers etc.)? Curries & spiced dishes?

    If you like cheese & salty flavours at all, I'd recommend getting some halloumi, slicing it and grilling it - it's full of flavour and a great 'main ingredient' instead of meat.

  2. I have no idea to be honest its going to be a bit of a russian roulette type thing new dish everyday or at least that whats Im going to try to do. Love Halloumi one of my favourite sandwiches is a roasted red pepper tomato rocket and Halloumi sandwich.
